13 January at 7.30PM
At first listen it’s familiar – like a well broken-in pair of vintage boots – but Lake Street Dive’s perfectly balanced blend of rollicking soul, Motown pop, and knockabout R&B, anchored by flawless harmonies and Rachael Price’s smoky voice, has a freshness to it that’s hard to pin down. The Brooklyn-based, classically-trained foursome have been together for over a decade. But after a sultry Jackson 5 cover went viral, a show-stealing appearance alongside Jack White and Patti Smith at a 2014 Inside Llewyn Davis tribute show in New York City, and a new album of originals recorded while listening to a lot of Bowie and The Zombies, they’ve well and truly picked up the tempo.
Just announced: Lake Street Dive will perform an additional free show on the Village Stage presented by China Southern Airlines, at Meriton Festival Village. 12 January from 6.30pm.
Note: The Meriton Festival Village is a licensed venue. Under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Photo: Danny Clinch
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